Air Plasma Cutting Equipments
Typical Applications :
Recommended for air plasma cutting applications of all electrically conducting sheet metal up to 25 mm thick in the industries like sheet metal fabrication, Bus and coach body building workshops, Railway and transport workshops, power stations, chemical & fertiliser plants, construction & maintenance workshops, food processing and pharmaceutical equipments using SS, scrap cutting & demolition, ship breaking etc
Ideally suitable for metal cutting applications where Oxy Acytelene cutting process is not feasible or Oxy/Acetylene gases are not available, good clean cuts with higher cutting productivity are desired
Features :
Air plasma cutting outfit with Rugged, Robust design and well established diode based power source
User friendly controls on the front panel, requires minimum training to the operator
Provided with special "Safety -Interlock" for operator protection
Light weight and flexible torch with 8 mtr long hose assembly